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What is the Evangeline Baptist Association?

What is the Southern Baptist Convention?


The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is a body of approximately 43,000 likeminded churches who cooperate together to reach the nations with the gospel of Jesus. The heart of the formation of the SBC in 1845 was missions. Through this cooperation, the International Mission Board (IMB) of the SBC currently has approximately 3,500 missionaries carrying the gospel to those who have little to no accesses of the good news of Jesus. Likewise, through the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the SBC, there are thousands of missionaries and church planters reaching North America with the gospel.


A core belief in the SBC is local church autonomy. Therefore, as it has been said, the headquarters of the SBC is the local Church. The SBC, state convention, nor the local association has authority over the church. The association, state convention, and national convention serve the churches to help strengthen, encourage, and equip.


More information regarding what the SBC is and believes can be found at

More information about the Louisiana Baptist Convention can be found at 


What is the Evangeline Baptist Association?


The Evangeline Baptist Association (EBA) is a family of 46 likeminded Southern Baptist churches partnering together to reach Lafayette, Iberia, St. Martin and Vermilion parishes with the gospel of Jesus. The mission of Evangeline Baptist Association is to Lock Arms to multiply by investing in pastors, equipping church, and planting new works.


How can the Evangeline Baptist Association serve your church?


- Church Health and revitalization

- Training opportunities in evangelism, discipleship, missions, leadership development, etc.

- Encourage, assist, and equip pastors and staff members

- Partner in mission opportunities locally, nationally, and internationally

- Partner in evangelism/outreach in your community

How can you partner with the Evangeline Baptist Association?


Without the churches the Association does not and will not exist. The health of the local association is dependent on the commitment and involvement of the churches. So, how can you be involved?


- Prayer support
- Financial support
- Being present at meetings, events, and ministries
- Serving together to fulfill the great commission
- Being committed to missions and evangelism

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